Peripheral learning is perceived as a learning of more difficult information incidentally rather than consciously. Generally, this type of learning occurs without attention. It is also acknowledged as incidental learning in that sense i.e. some form of accidental / indirect / additional / unplanned learning outcomes that present alongside within an informal or formal learning environment.

It is worth noting that it happens in many different manners, for instances, through observation, repetition, social interaction, problem solving, etc. as well as from mistakes, assumptions, beliefs, and attributions. In fact, peripheral (skills) learning is equally influential and no least important for most of the skills and knowledge we learn and earn during the vast majority of life.

Part and parcel of self-learning is not only discovering the world surrounding you, it’s also a revelation of your own abilities. Learning how to learn is in fact a fundamental capability whereby people can actually build on their skills to learn new skills. After all, learning is about personal responsibility & hands-on experience for future growth, integral human development and self-transformation.

Those who learn through experience often look for sensible ways to work things out faster, smarter and more efficiently, that actually involves being resourceful, adaptive, creative, imaginative, adventurous, self-motivating, disciplined, mindful, benchmarking and setting own goals, etc.. These are intrinsic qualities of lifelong learners, whoever they are. Surely it takes time, perseverance and endurance to showcase the proven value of these traits.

As a matter of fact, learners who are adept at self-learning have more opportunities in developing other skills, they do so by developing one particular skill set as they go along. Evidently, self-learners are resourceful persons who possess strong commitment and capability towards completing tasks. They devise strategy to overcome difficulties, and eventually celebrate victory for accomplishment.